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Welcome everybody,
My name is Rosanna, and it will be my pleasure to welcome you when you are here in Viterbo. I hope you will come to love this place as much as I do.
After completing my degree in Cultural Heritage at the Università della Tuscia in Viterbo, I decided to apply what I had learnt to the development of this historic building. My aim was to retain the charm and allure of the building’s aristocratic origins while restructuring its interiors. 
My passion for contemporary art did the rest, and after years of research the idea of a building conceived as an organic space began to take shape – a microcosm in which works of design and paintings rich in colour do exist side by side.
In my opinion, the achievement of a perfect harmony between the colours of a curtain and the tones of the surrounding space is a matter of the utmost importance. 
I immediately fell in love with this palazzo: despite being just a stone’s throw away from the Duomo, it retains its intimate character. The B&B faces onto a little square – or rather a street which turns into a square, as if the place itself wanted to welcome you.
The B&B takes its name after the famous Palazzo dei Papi, just a minute’s walk from the front door. However, this Residenza d’Epoca has had a much more varied history than its association with the Pope can imply. At the end of the 13th century, the bosses of the Ghibelline party (the Tignosi di Magonza family), who were locked in a fierce struggle with the Guelfi (represented by the Gatti family), took their residence here.
In the Renaissance, right next door to where Palazzo Farnese used to be, the Maganzesi donated the building to the Confraternita dell’Orazione e della Morte (Brotherhood of Preachers and Death), which was subsequently reflected in the name of the adjacent square.
Only in modern times was the building split into different properties, until the day my family acquired the whole lot, giving the palazzo its homogeneity back.

Should you wish to know more about it, please feel free to ask my partner Antonio (YouTube link), an art historian, who will only be happy to share unusual stories of our town and its surroundings.
He is a great expert of the Sacro Bosco di Bomarzo (the Sacred Woods of Bomarzo) and his books can be found in our little library.

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